Supporting veterans, service and ex-service personnel

Advocates advise personnel and their dependants on the lodgement of appeals to the Veterans’ Review Board and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. They also present cases on behalf of personnel and their dependants. They assist personnel in applying for DVA pensions, military compensation, benefits and income supplementation.
ADF personnel may be covered under various federal government Acts - VEA, SRCA, MRCA and DRCA. Our ATDP qualified, trained advocates are able to assist all Ex-Service personnel and their partners in the preparation and submission of claims for allowances and entitlements. They will also assist in the appeal process if required.
The RSL Advocates handle a significant number of cases in SA which appear before the Veterans Review Board. The advocates employed by the SA State Branch are often veterans or ex-service, thereby providing them with a close empathy with the needs of ex-service personnel.
If you require assistance contact the SA Branch office on 8100 7300 to arrange an appointment with an Advocate or contact a metropolitan or country centre that offers services.
SA Military Veterans Advocacy Centres Contact List as at August 2021
Wellbeing Officers assist clients with information about health and community services which may be available to them. They also gather information on local community services and how to access them, as well as communicate with service providers.
SA State Branch can provide assistance to Ex-Service persons or their spouses who are resident in SA/NT and who are in necessitous circumstances.
For British Ex-service persons, or their dependants, the SA Branch process claims for assistance through the welfare organisations in Britain.
Assistance can only be provided after personal interviews with one of the officers of the State Branch. Ph: (08) 8100 7300.
RSL Sub-Branches which also provide services are:
Wellbeing - NT Darwin RSL; 08 8942 0382
Advocacy - NT Palmerston RSL
Advocacy & Wellbeing - Plympton Veterans Centre at the Repat Veterans Wellbeing Centre 7117 5357; Monitored after hours for prompt response.
Other Sub-Branches in SA/NT may also provide wellbeing activities within their local community and membership.
In the event that we are unable to provide financial assistance, our advocates refer ex-service persons on to services that may be able to do so. This can also include references to financial guidance services.

The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Scheme provides rehabilitation, treatment and compensation for ADF members who suffer mental or physical injury or contract a disease as a result of service on or after 1 July 2004.
Serving ADF members who have been injured at work or who have an illness or disease caused or aggravated by their military employment and who need assistance in submitting claims should contact RSL State Branch
8100 7300.
Ex-Military Resource Centre
Assistance is available for ex-service persons who may be having difficulty in assimilating into everyday life after suffering some form of medical condition or those persons who merely wish to relearn occupational skills to facilitate a career move. Contact the Ex-Military Resource Centre at the Peter Badcoe Complex
8252 0500;
Veterans Mental Health issues take various forms – confusion, dementia, suicide threat, anxiety, aggression. There are varying degrees of resolution – GP through to hospital/facility admission, telephone helplines, family intervention. Medical emergencies are covered by the state health systems.

RSL Sub-Branch and public support through donations and fundraising appeals helps us to purchase supermarket vouchers for veterans finding it difficult to afford food and basic necessities.
Steve Ceissmann
Senior Veterans' Advocate.
Phone: 8100 7315
Chloe Arbuckle
Phone: 8100 7317
Paul Dickson
Advocacy Trainee
Phone: 8100 7305