Membership is open to everyone. Join us!

Admission to Service Membership of the League is open to any member or ex-member of the Australian Defence Force and allies who in general terms has completed 6 months service. Proof of military service is required with the application. Request ADF service record application.
For a better understanding of the criteria and eligibility please refer to the Sub-Branch By-Laws.
You can download an application form and simply pay over the bar.
Admission to people who have not worked for the Australian Defence Force is also available and the terms and conditions for Affiliate Membership are outlined in the Sub-Branch By-Laws.
You can download an application form and simply pay over the bar.
By becoming a member you help make Blackwood and Districts RSL an even better Ex-Service Organization than it already is. You will also get members specials on drinks and be able to participate in members only raffles and events.